Meals And Snacks
The setting offers a wide choice of healthy snacks, including bread based items, fruit, vegetables and salad, cheese and fromage frais. We supply milk and water to drink. Water is available freely throughout the day or children may bring in their own named water bottles. Snacktimes are 10.30am and 2.30pm, with lunch at midday. Our lunch club is the opportunity for children to ’stay for lunch’ either by bringing in a packed lunch from home, or by ordering a hot lunch provided from the school kitchen for which there is a charge.
My Learning Journal
Each child has their own Learning Journal which keeps parents informed as to what their child does during their time at the setting and next steps they are working on. It records their progress, highlights their achievements and shows photographs and scans of their activities and work.
We are happy to attend to children wearing nappies or to assist with and follow your toileting routine. Children are supervised and help will always be given. Gaining independence and maintaining good hygiene is encouraged and children are reminded to ‘wash hands to get rid of germs’.